
And just like that....my baby is 3.

Three.  I know I will say it every year, but it is hard for me to believe my little bald baby is three.

Sigh.   He is such a big kid now!

We spent his birthday in Laredo (we were in town for a wedding) and went to Chuck E. Cheese's.  He has only been there once here in College Station, but the one in Laredo is HUGE! And we were there on a Friday afternoon so he had the place pretty much to himself.  We let him run around and just be a kid.  Ate his weight in pizza, played games, and wore himself out.  He was so excited he got to take a picture with the "nice mouse."  :)

I took him to the doctor last week for his 3 year well check up and I really wish I would have not left my phone in the car to document this amazing thing that happened.  HE DID NOT CRY.  I mean y'all, this is a HUGE deal.  People with kids---you feel me. people without kids---you will one day.  He was actually excited about going to the doctor.  He sat in the chair while they took his blood pressure and checked his eyes.  He took off his shoes and stepped on the big scale (this has NEVER happened, ever, like it is the end of the world if he has to remove his shoes!) He sat and waited patiently for the doctor to come in.  Granted, he was silent and did not say anything to the doctor the whole time, but I will take it! He looked perfect. He is 33 pounds and is 3 ft 2.5 inches! He is a tall boy! He was super happy to get "no owies" and waved bye to the doctor and asked for his sucker.

Logan is doing so much. He is like a real little person now! Telling me about his day on the way home from school, going in the potty (still have problems with going #2), singing songs, reading books, signing his ABC's (all the way through!), counting and so much more.  He amazes me everyday. He is sweet, stubborn, strong willed, loveable, gives kisses and the best hugs.  He throws fits and tells us we aren't his friends anymore, then will turn right around and tell us how sorry he is and how we are his best friends.  

Logan, boo-boo, bubba, sweet boy.  You made us parents.  You make us live each day better.  You make us love stronger.  You are the best thing that ever happened to us.  God sure knew what he was doing.  We are so lucky to be your parents.   We love you to the moon and back, always and forever to infinity. 


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