
The cutest little pumpkin in the patch!

Happy Halloween!!

Just thought I would post some pictures that my best friend took this past weekend, she is so talented and her subject, well he IS the cutest little pumpkin in the patch!

Logan's first Halloween 2011

We are planning on going over to our friend's house to help pass out candy with their little 2 year old, MaKenna, she is too cute. Next year will be a little more exciting when Logan is bigger, and will be walking...gasp....I don't want to think about that right now!  
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!


Why do bad things happen?

Background information:
Before becoming a mother, I struggled in my life.  I was not going down the right path, so God stepped in a pushed me back onto the right road.  He did this by seeing me make mistakes and I suffered the consequences.  I woke up.  I started living.  You get one shot at this (life) and I am messing it up! About that time my wonderful husband stepped into my life and I felt my life was perfect. I was in love and it felt great! We dated long distance for about a year, and yes I can assure everyone that distance makes the heart grow fonder.  We finally got into the same zip code, got married and settled into our happy little life together.  After a year of marriage, we wanted to start a family.  Very soon (about 2 months!) after we decided, I found out I was pregnant, my life as I knew it was forever changed.  Since the day I saw that little bean on the ultrasound to the day I held him in my arms, I realized, my life was not about me anymore, it didn't matter.  All that mattered was him and how I love my son more and more each day and I will for the rest of my life. 

So let's get me to the title: Why do bad things happen?
In February 2011 (I was 7 months pregnant) I saw a friend post on her facebook page about a family that had just lost their 4 month old baby to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Before I read her blog, I was not concerned at all with SIDS or really knew that much about it at all.  Read her blog here: http://kandjstaats.blogspot.com/
Needless to say, her story is of heartbreak of losing her baby girl and hope that she is now pregnant with a new baby.  Her blog has many other "angel mommies" listed and I have read many of their blogs as well. And so many of their children died of  SIDS (death from 1 month to 1 year) and even SUDC (Sudden Unexplained Death in Children) This lead me to really start to think...why do bad things happen?  Why do babies die?  Why do children die?  Why is there cancer, accidents, disasters, war, disease??? How can I prevent this from happening to us???!! The answer.  I can't.  Bottom line.  End of story. 
I struggle with this because people say, it will never happen to you.  But what about the people it does happen to? I bet there were people telling them that and it DID happen to them! I am trying to find understanding in many things and have no explanation.  All I can do it have faith in God and know that EVERYTHING in his his hands, even if it does not make sense and causes us grief and pain. 
Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Despite the evil, wicked, sinful nature of the people of this world, God still loves us. He loved us enough to die to take the penalty for our sins (Romans 6:23). If we receive Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:16; Romans 10:9), we will be forgiven and promised an eternal home in heaven (Romans 8:1). What we deserve is hell. What we are given is eternal life in heaven if we come to Christ in faith.
Yes, sometimes bad things happen to people who seem undeserving of them. But God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them. Above all, however, we must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful. Often things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. However, instead of doubting God's goodness, our reaction should be to trust Him. ”Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Being a new mom, this is very hard for me to grasp.  I am a worrier.  I worry all the time.  I check when Logan is napping to see if he is still breathing.  My husband thinks I am crazy, but I cannot help it.  Logan is my heart and soul.  I miss him SO much when I am at work, I can't fathom what I would do if I lost him.  Even after 6 months he has been at daycare, my heart jumps a little if I see them calling me at work.  I can't help it! I know its crazy, but that is how I am and I am trying REALLY hard to just enjoy life and not worry so much.  My husband is the COMPLETE opposite.  He doesn't have a care in the world! I would like to overcome this struggle and "let go" but it is very hard. 

All I can do is this:
Live my life everyday to the fullest
Love stronger
Cherish EVERY moment
Make memories


Voila! Easy Skillet Chicken Parmesan

My first recipe blog! I cook every night, but very easy 30-45 minute meals.  After work I get baby, feed him, work out, shower, dishes, laundry, so needless to say I do not have time to make things from scratch! Here is an easy recipe that we make every other week and it is delicious!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Makes: 2-4 servings

1 tbsp Olive Oil (or you can substitute butter)
2 or 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (since it is only Bryan and I, I get 2)
1 1/2 cups of Spaghetti Sauce
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese

1. Heat oil or butter in skillet over medium high heat.  Add chicken and cook for 10 min. or until well browned.

2. Stir sauce and 3 tbsp parmesan cheese into skillet.  Cover and cook over medium heat for 10 min. or until chicken is cooked through. 

3. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese and remaining parmesan cheese over the chicken.  Let stand for about 5 min. or until cheese melts.  Voila! Enjoy.   

Doesn't that look lovely on my plastic plate? :)

Hint: The week I make this dish I also make spaghetti earlier in the week.  Here is why:
I can get a large jar of spaghetti sauce and use half for the spaghetti and half for the chicken parm.  I also make the whole package of noodles for the spaghetti and then save the rest for this dish.  It makes my life a little easier!



Bucket List

Last night, Bryan and I watched The Bucket List. 

1. Have you found joy in life?

2. Has your life brought joy to others?

I have seen the movie before, but last night it really got me thinking about mt bucket list.  What do I want to do before I die?  Well I can mark off some things:

MY BUCKET LIST....so far.

1. Graduate from college.  Done.  SHSU, BA in Mass Communications/Public Relations '07

My wonderful parents and I on graduation day!

2. Get married.  Check.  Married the love of my life after dating for 3 years May 16, 2009.

Me and my love saying I do!

3. Successful Career.  I did a half strike for this one. Don't get me wrong,  I love my job. I have worked at Sam Houston State Univeristy as a student worker, Texas A&M International University in Student Affairs and currently I work at Texas A&M in the Office of New Student Programs.  I enjoy working with students and it amazes me to see the awesome things they do.  However, I am an administrator.  Like I said I enjoy my job, however, I am looking for a challenge and a chance to actually use my degree. The job I have right now is a great starting point, a stepping stone, if you will.  I would really like to find a job within the University doing PR/Marketing, like a communication specialist.  But for now, I love my job and really love the people I work with! So we will see what the future brings...
4. Start a family.  Most recent! April 4, 2011 our son, Logan, made a grand entrance to this world.  Changed our lives forever.  He makes me a better person and love him more everyday, our little blessing.  We plan to have 1 or maybe 2 more children, but when Logan is a little older. We are enjoying being new parents right now. 

Never ending love.

5.  Pray   I do this everyday.  I live my life for Christ.  He is the only one in control, all of my faith is in Him.
6. Volunteer, make a difference.  Ongoing.  I am involved in the Brazos Valley Coalition for Life which is an organization who helps prevent abortions.  I go every Saturday (that I can) and stand and pray in front of the Planned Parenthood.  It warms my heart that I might have saved a life just by standing there. I am very passionate about this cause because
a.) I am a mommy and PRO-LIFE.
b.) I have many friends and family that cannot conceive and have lost babies.
c.) Abortion is killing a human life--period.  Read more here: http://www.coalitionforlife.com/
I would like to get involved in more things, time allowing.  I would also love to donate to many different causes, but since I can't financially right now, I can give my time!
7. Travel.  The one and only time I traveled outside the country was on our honeymoon in '09.  It was amazing! We went on a cruise to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.  It was awesome to see the different cultures and people. I would love to go on a family vacation every year, even if it is only somewhere else in Texas.  Here are the places I would like to go, top places:
* Ireland
*New York
*Las Vegas
*New Orleans for Mardi Gras
Below are a few pics from our AMAZING honeymoon!

Snorkeling in Grand Cayman Islands

Ziplining through the jungles of Jamaica
 8. Buy a home.  This one should probably be at the top.  Financially we are not where we need to be at this point in our lives to purchase a home.  Maybe next year?  I really want Logan to have a yard to run around and play in and just to have something to call our own.  I hate renting :(  But for now, it is where we are at so I will leave it at that. 

9. Attend a broadway show or ballet.  But I am talking about a real one, like in New York!
10. Rock climb.  Ok this might be more of my husband's but I would also like to do this.
11. Learn to fire a rifle.  My Dad is an avid hunter and I have never done this!
12. Learn basic sign language.  I want to teach this to Logan too!
13. Take a professional dance lesson. The waltz, swing, salsa, I am up for it! I would like my hubby to join me....we will see.
14. Tour a winery.  I enjoy a glass of wine and there is one right here where we live, so no excuses!
15. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Another half strike, because I am doing this. Ok ok, this one really should be at the top! I am working out 4 times a week and am really trying to cut back on sweets, its my weakness! I am on a mission to lose 15 pounds and I will be back to my pre-baby weight.  But with the holidays approaching this will be challenging!!
16. Rescue animals.  I would love to do this after I retire.  Have a shelter for animals and find them good homes. 
17.Read the Bible.  All of it. There is a book that is on my Christmas list called the One Year Bible. 
18. Get out of debt.  I know this one is a long shot, but I hope to one day, be debt free.
19.  Get a Master's degree.....maybe.  It seems like to get anywhere in this world, a bachelor's degree is not enough.  When I graduated college, I had not plans on going to Grad school.  I did not have the money and I wanted to start working.  I soon found out it was not enough.   I would go back to school if it was paid for and I could do it online. All the time I can spend with my family is precious so I would not want to take away from that!
20.  Die happy knowing I had a fulfilling life.  I would love to die and old lady, warm in my bed.  Wishful thinking, but regardless of my age that I die, I just want to be happy!

These are the ones I can think of right now.  Might be adding more.....and hopefully crossing off more too!



Hello Blog World!

Well I have been thinking about getting a blog for quite some time now and finally decided that I am going to start blogging! I will try and (at least once a week) update my blog and add new pictures as I can.  So hello blog world, I am here!

And this little guy is my baby boy, Logan.  He is almost 7 months old and the light of our lives!