
Backyard BBQ

This past weekend,we got a new BBQ pit and invited my parents and some friends over for a backyard BBQ! It was nice to just relax in our own backyard since we have been pretty busy this summer! We had a great time, lots of laughs and good eatin'!

Logan and Makenna play so good together

Logan is almost as tall as Makenna and she is 4!

 Lately I have been feeling really stressed out and I need to take a moment and realize that I am too blessed to be stressed! This weekend we are heading to the beach to see some family and friends, I can't wait to get my toes in the sand!


Don't grow up, promise?

Logan is sweet, curious and so innocent at this age.  He gives me hugs, kisses, snuggles and wants mama to play with him.  He thinks the world of Dada and loves to wrestle with him. He likes to climb up in bed with us and lay on our stomachs and listen to our hearts. "I listen to your hort mama"  I soak these moments up, take them in.  They go by too fast.  How is my baby 2?  In a few months he will be 2 1/2.  I know I will keep saying how is he (insert age here) until forever.  He still talks baby talk and I love it.  I told Bryan I will be sad when he is saying things correctly.  I mean not sad, I will be proud but will miss it when he tells me he wants a "faffle" for breakfast (waffle) or "boobies" (strawberries) or he wants to give "tisses" (kisses) Before I know it, he will be grown up and this moment will have passed me by.  Sometimes I secretly wish I could have 10 kids, some natural, some adopt.  Then I come to my senses and will be happy with 2 or 3!
I got my baby fix this past weekend when we had nursery duty at church.  They put me in the crawlers class and I was so happy to get my baby fix! I even got to feed a little boy his bottle and he fell asleep on me for about 30 minutes! It was hard to think that Logan was right there last year.  He seems so big now, so independent.  He doesn't want to take baths anymore, "I shower with Dada" is usually the response we get when we tell him it is time for a bath.  Now, if we can just get him to use the potty.......sigh. 
Logan, buddy, don't grow up, promise?  I want to bottle you up and keep you where you are right now.  Where you think the world of your parents.  I am dreading those teenage years when all of the sudden you stop thinking we are cool and will probably have to force a hug from you.  School, driving, girlfriends, nope, I do not want it to happen! But it will, I know.  But I am loving these moments now because you can never get them back. 

July 2012-still looking like my little BABY.

July 2013-he just looks like a BIG KID.  Who told you to grow up?!


Wedding Weekend

This past weekend one of my best friends, Karen got married! We have known each other for over 13 years and I love that girl! Being a part of her special day was amazing and the wedding could not have been more perfect.  Her wedding was in Olde Dobbin Station in Dobbin, TX.  The venue was gorgeous and so vintage looking, it was an old train station turned into a venue.  She had a 11 bridesmaids and groomsmen, 2 junior bridesmaids and 2 junior groomsmen, and over 300 guests.  Yes it was no small affair. 

It was also the first time we had been away from Logan for 2 whole nights.  Yes, we could have taken him, but my mom offered and since I had all my bridesmaid duties, it was just easier without a 2 year old.  You can judge me if you want.  We headed for Brenham on Friday afternoon to drop off the munchkin (I admit I cried a little...) and we headed out to the rehearsal dinner. After the rehearsal, I went and stayed with the girls at a country club in one of the villas.  They were so nice! We chatted, did our nails, had some wine and lots of laughs.  It was good to spend time with those girls! The next morning we were up and at it.  Hair done, dresses steamed and helping the bride in any way we could.  Then before we knew it, it was time!

We headed for the venue for pictures.  As we watched from the bridal suite all the guests arriving, Karen put her dress on.  She looked incredible.  It was time! We headed down the aisle, thank god I didn't stumble in my heels (hey, I never wear heels anymore ok?!) It was an outdoor ceremony, yes it was hot, but we were under a covered pavilion so it was not bad.  The ceremony was short and sweet! Then it was more pictures (which I cannot wait to see!) and then we got announced, and then we could eat and change our shoes! The night went off without a hitch and there are no 2 people more perfect for one another. 

We had a great time, but man I was SO happy to get my little man!! I missed him so much!

Mr and Mrs. Andreas!

All the bridesmaids! I think we might have been missing 1 or 2....

We were in a fancy chair and thought we should look fancy!

Myself and the beautiful bride

Me and my lovey dancing the night away!

Congrats you two!!!!


Summer Adventures

I have been meaning to blog about our summer adventures, but have been slacking!
This summer has been so much fun so far! So here it is in photos!

Running bases at the Bombers game!


Lots of swim time! 

After swim time, ice cream is a nice treat!

San Antonio Zoo trip!

First time to the movies! Despicable Me 2.  Logan made it about halfway through! 

Freddy's, Bush Library and fireworks!

 And the adventures continue!! I love sweet summer time!