
I'm gonna miss this.

Logan says and does the funniest things everyday! I feel like if I don't write about them I will forget!


Vitamin: "watah-min"

Fire truck: "fiyah car" (by the way we reiterate truck and he has NEVER said truck, if he sees a truck, it is a big car.)

Water hose" "watah-ho"

Grams: "jams"

Cheetos: "chee-ros"

Juice: "jooosh"

Motorcycle: "red cockle" (it does not matter if the motorcycle is not red, and everyone we see he says it is Dada on it!)

Popsicle: "cockle"

Tennis shoes "tiddy shoes"

Train: "choo choo"

Blanket: "bankie"

Donut holes: "holes"

Guitar: "tar"

Fruit snack: "fruit nack"

Snake: "nake" 

Panda: "Pia" 

Tortilla: Tor-teee-yahh"

Logan: "Boo-boo" (Ok this MIGHT be my fault.  My child has never ever said his own name because I call him boo-boo all the time....ooooppps.)

The other night, he was about to get in the shower with Bryan
Logan: "Dada has big heine!"
(hysterical laughter from me.)
Logan: "Mama has big heine too!"
(hysterical laughter from Bryan.)
Me: "What about your heine?  Is it big or little?"
Logan: "it little"

On the way home from school he was sucking down his juice from his cup and it made a noise and he laughed and laughed. 
Me: "What is so funny buddy?"
Logan: "juice tooted"
:) that is my kid.

He HATES the carwash.  We have taken him to the carwash twice and both reactions were the same.  Sheer terror.  And everyday we pass the carwash on the way to and from school.  He will keep saying over and over, "I no want no carwash" until we are past it and then he will happily yell, "bye carwash see you morrow!"

He is such a funny kid.  And smart.  He knows all his colors and can count to 10. In true boy fashion loves cars, trucks, trains and planes.  He sleeps with about 7 stuffed animals but his favorite is a little puppy he got from school. He will take off his clothes and shoes and put them away.  He will throw his "tash" in the trashcan.  He will open the refrigerator and raid our fridge (I can just imagine the teen years!) His favorite movies are: Planet 51, Meet the Robinsons and Kung Fu Panda 2, like he could watch those everyday. He loves going to school and especially loves his afternoon teacher and will talk all the way home about Miss "Emanee" (Emily).  He is such a little person now. I am so ready excited for him to grow up, but I'm gonna miss this.  


Galveston Fun

We have been wanting to take Logan to the beach for a while now and last weekend we packed up the car and headed to Galveston! We were going to visit family in Santa Fe which is not far from Galveston.  We headed to East Beach and got set up.  We kind of knew how Mr. Cautious would react the beach and the water.  He was not at all interested in getting in the water or even touching the sand at first. But his 1 year old cousin Kelsey?  Fearless!! She ran to the water and got sand everywhere, she loved it!  After a couple of hours there, he actually took his shoes off (yes he kept them on the entire time!) and got in the water up to his ankles, this was a big step for him! Bryan tried to take him further out in the water and he cried the whole time. He also warmed up to the sand and eventually played with his shovel and bucket. What can I say?  My kid is a little bit of a drama queen and high maintenance.....he might have got that from me.....
We met up with the newly weds and it was so good to see them.  We chatted about the wedding and their honeymoon.  Love being able to spend time with friends and family!

I am sure Logan was saying something like I don't like the water.....

Had fun flying kites!

Little Miss Kelsey (14 months) She is such a water baby!

Rebecca and I and our kiddos!

THAT LOOK.  Trouble maker.

Kool aid+sand=messy face kid.

Me and the newly Mrs. Andreas!

The boys!

Running around by the end of the day!
Love our little family of 3!

 We stayed until way past the sun setting, but the kiddos did so good! Logan was running on only a 10 minute nap, so he was a trooper! After a quick trip to the Whataburger drive-thru (yep, we keep it fancy) we headed back to Santa Fe.  We rinsed off the kiddos, blew up the air mattress, ate and called it a night (well the girls and the kids did, Bryan and his cousin Chris stayed up until about 4am enjoying some cold ones.)  The next day we headed over to my friend's apartment (only about 15 minutes down the road from where we stayed) and were going to have a pool day! 
Logan did pretty good in the water, he was not sure at first but by the end he was laughing and kicking his feet. He even jumped to Bryan a few times! I made the conclusion that we need to expose him to water more. This was probably only his 3rd time in a big pool. I bought his some arm floaties and wanted NOTHING to do with them. Although Bryan found a good use for them (see below pic!) We had a blast with Aunty Stephy!