
My baby is 2.

2. TWO.  I keep saying it in my head and it just sounds so much older than 1.  He is not a baby anymore.  He is a little independent, stubborn strong willed, precious, lovable funny little boy! Time seems to fly by when you have a kid.  Like holy cow, where did the year go?!

He is wearing a size 4 diaper (we are working on potty training) and is 28 pounds.  He is pretty tall too in the 95% for height! Going to the doctor is fun these days.....Logan knows right when we walk in where he is an is in instant meltdown mode.  At his 2 year check up we had to hold him down and he had to sit on the baby scale! At that appointment she told me that at 2 years old we can schedule his first dentist appointment.  Ummm yea.  Daddy will be escorting him to that one.  He is wearing 18 month shirts, 24 month shirts and 24 month pants (although they are big....he is skinny and ALL legs!)

He loves to dance, give high fives, kisses and fist-bump (thanks to my hubby for that one!)

He loves his books! He would rather look at all his books in his room than play with the ba-zillion of toys we have at the house. 

He loves buses.  He has to yell out every bus we see in the morning on the way to school.  He has done this so much that after I drop him off at school, I am driving to work and I find myself getting excited seeing a bus, only to realize that Logan is no longer in the car with me. 

His favorite word is NO.  Even if he does not know what he is saying no to. 
You ask him "Do you love Mama?" NO (heart breaks) "Do you love Dada" NO "Do you love Elmo?" NO The first 2 might be true but the last one has to be a lie, that kid cannot get enough of that red Muppet! Elmo is the only thing that will keep his attention.  On the way home every day I hear in the back seat.  I.... Elmo.... home (meaning he watches Elmo when he gets home).  And most days I let him watch ONE episode, it is educational so I feel like that is ok.  He has Sesame Street books and has to point out Elmo in all of them.  For the past few weeks the only thing that will distract him when I drop him off at school and stop him from crying when I leave is Elmo books.  They pull those out of the drawer and all of the sudden, he is ok! Like I said the kid is obsessed with Elmo!

He LOVES strawberries.  Like he has them almost every night after dinner (if he eats good, which for the most part, he does). He calls strawberries "boobies"(I have tried to figure this out...I got nothing) and I have to admit it is funny in private but when you are at a local frozen yogurt place and he sees the strawberries and screams "WANT BOOBIES!".....it is pretty embarrassing. 

Whenever we are talking to my mom (Grams) and I have it on speaker he sees a picture of Grams and Paw Paw and he will say over and over in a quiet whisper "Paw Paw" and it breaks my mom's heart a little. 

He is talking so much! Saying phrases like, "I do it" or "I outside" or "No I want"

He has to have his shoes on until he takes a bath.  If we try to take them off before, meltdown of the century.  So we let him keep his shoes on.  And man when we take them off, he has the stinkiest little feet!
That doesn't mean that I don't kiss them, because, yes I do.  If you are not a mom, you might be grossed out by this, but just wait, you will know what I am talking about when you have your own kids!

He cracks us up.  He does the funniest things! When he dances he moves those little shoulders back and forth and nods his head up and down.  He will laugh at the most random things like Bryan has this racing games and Logan cracks up when he runs over the barrels.  Who knows.  He loves to tickle us.  He wil run up to us and "tickle" us which I admit sometimes hurts! But then he knows we will tickle him back and he loves it.  His neck and his legs are the most ticklish. 

He points out all of his body parts, and he is pretty proud of that.  We are too. 

He is lovable.  He gives us lots and lots of kisses.  But on his terms.  Sometimes we ask for them and he says no, but then he will do it later on.  He does not let us hold him much.  Only when Elmo is on and he is glued to the TV is when I can sit him in my lap and he stays there.  Or when Daddy mows the grass he wants me to hold him and puts my arms around him.  He gets scared of the lawn mower and Bryan's motorcycle. 

He loves to do Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, and This Little Piggy with me. 

He is Mr. Independent.  It takes a while for him to warm up to new people.  Or people he has not seen in a while.  But if you ask him for a high five, he will gladly oblige.  Just don't go in for a hug or try to pick him up.  Not a good idea. 

He is our sweet boy.  He keeps us on our toes and we would not have it any other way! We love you to the moon and back Bubby and I can't wait for your birthday party on Saturday!!

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