
Sweet, sweet brothers

I always knew Logan was going to be a great big brother.  He is such a sweet, sensitive caring soul. So when Mason came along, he was smitten from the start.  Like obsessed with baby Mason or "Buggie" as we call him. He always wanted to get him his bottle, pacifier or just wanting to kiss him.

 When Mason started to crawl at about 9 months, he also started to follow big brother around.  Logan was so excited to show him new things and play with him.  Around Mason's first birthday he learned to wave bye, clap, and throw balls (he loves any kind of ball, maybe we have a future athlete?) and Logan thought this was the best thing ever.  They "wrestle" together and Logan can ALWAYS make Mason laugh, especially when Mason is throwing one of his temper tantrums, which are more and more frequent these days. Everyday when I drop Mason off in his class first, Logan has to get Buggie a toy and give him a kiss on his head and a wave goodbye before he goes to his class.

Logan will always run to Mason to try and get him to calm down or give him a toy, or food,  Food normally works to calm him down.  Ha! Logan always wants to "match" Mason if they have clothes or jammies that are the same, he loves it.  I told him the other day:
Me: Logan, you have to always protect Mason ok?
Logan: Ok mommy, if someone is mean to Buggie, I am going to kick them in the face!
Wow, ok buddy didn't mean for it to be that violent but you get the picture, he loves his baby brother.

I picked Logan up from school yesterday and his teacher said she witnessed the sweetest thing between Logan and Mason. Out on the playground, a little boy made Logan cry (this is very out of character for him) and he was inside a playhouse crying.  Mason heard him from the other side of the playground and crawled (yes, still no walking yet) over to the fence and put his little hand through to reach out to his big brother.  They sat and held hands and Mason calmed Logan down.  His teacher said they sat like that for a good 10 minutes.  My heart overflowed.
I have such a big love for these boys and my heart is so happy they have that same love for each other.  Not all the time.  Sometimes Mason will hit Logan or Logan will get annoyed with Mason. But they will have that brotherhood bond their whole life.  I just love these sweet, sweet brothers.

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