The year definitely goes by faster when you have 2 kids for sure!
Mason is our sweet, smiley man. BUT will anger very quickly if he does not get what he wants. For the most part he is very calm, low maintenance and pretty easy. His belly laughs and his sweet baby curls make our heart melt. I was trying to think of our family before Mason and I just can't, he makes our family whole (well...for now.....)
- Standing up
- Dancing (which consists of bouncing up and down or head banging which is pretty adorable)
- Crawling...FAST. He also wants to go into every room and explore and gets VERY upset when we close the door.
- Wave bye-bye and clap his hands.
- Putting anything and everything in his mouth.
- Giving kisses (well mostly just opening his mouth and leaning his head towards your mouth)
- His paci (he really only wants it when he is sleepy)
- Bath time with brother.....he is so happy in the bathtub.
- To be destructive! Any toys are blocks that he plays with he throws and knocks over, little bulldozer!
- Being changed. He screams to his little hearts content and we try to change him quick but sometimes getting jammies on a sticky little body is hard!
- If we take a toy away from him that is he not supposed to have (we are TRYING to not have you choke, kid!)
- Being put in "baby jail"....or the pack and play as most people call it. Logan likes baby jail better.
- Being held/rocked (yes, this hurts my heart.) Only when he is really sleepy he will let us rock him.
- Shoes (will try to kick them off)
- Goldfish crackers/ritz
- Cheerios
- Applesauce
- Cheese sticks
- Yogurt
- Kraft mac and cheese. We are shells and cheese people and he does not like them!
- Chicken
- Avocado
- Baby food (third foods)
- Bread
- Donuts (yes he tried some and wow gobbled them up!)
- Pancakes/Waffles
- Buggie
- Bugs
- Chunky (when he actually WAS chunky)
- Kumquat
- Little bubba
- Bubs
- Baby
Mason weighs 24 pounds and has 4 teeth (2 bottom and 2 top). More are looking like they are popping through the surface. He is in a size 3 diaper and wearing mostly 18 month clothes.
Mason Bruce was our "surprise baby" and we could not have asked God for a better gift. We love you to the moon and back Buggie boy!
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It's my birthday! |
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