
2 1/2!

Logan! You are 2 1/2 today! STOP growing up please?! You are closer to 3 now and that just sounds so much older than 2! Things you are up to:

Potty Training-SIGH.  We are still working on it, but he does not have the concept down.  He will tell us he needs to sit on the potty, but it is after he has already had an accident in your pull up.  We have tried to put underwear on him, but that does not work either.  He will sit in his accident and it does not bother him a bit! He will get it, I am sure he won't be wearing pull ups to kinder, right?!

Imagination:  He will run around the house saying "To infinity and beyond!" and put his hands out like he is Buzz Lightyear.   He also sometimes gets on all fours and says "Meow!" and saying his is a kitty cat or barks and says he is "Sushi" (he is trying to say our dog's name, Suki). 

Eating: He is a pretty good eater but some nights we cannot get him to take a bite of dinner! But we just put him to bed and the next night, he will eat everything on his plate! He likes: chicken, fruit cups, fruit snacks, cheeto puffs, goldfish, tortillas, cheese, applesauce, mexican food, mac and cheese, spaghetti, bacon, eggs, waffles, poptarts, ice cream, fig newtons, popsicle, popcorn...the list goes on and on.  Oh and ketchup, he will eat ketchup with a spoon.  Gross. 

Saying:  Oh my goodness, he is a little parrot, saying everything we do! And he is getting really good at counting (all the way to eleven!) and his ABC's.  Sometimes, it is hard to understand him.  The other day I went into his room and he was playing and said, Mama where is tia-hey?  I was like ?  He kept asking and asking.  I told Bryan to come in and see if he could understand him and Bryan said he was trying to say Potato Head.  And we asked if that is what he was saying he said YEP!

Loving:  He was really attached to his stuffed animals at 2, but now, not so much.  He is into cars, trucks, trains, and loves fire engines.  He loves drinking from a big boy cup (no lid).  He loves movies.  (No, I don't stick my kid in front of the TV all day) His favorite right now is "Meatball movie" (Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs).  Bryan took him to the movies the other weekend when I was out of town and Bryan said he did great! He went to go see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, so of course he loved it! He loves to give hugs and kisses (but usually I have to say, do you want......then give mommy a kiss!) Loves playing outside and BOOKS, oh man does he love his books! We went to open house at his school and his teacher said that he is the only one out of his class that, when it is story time, will sit and listen to the entire book.  I guess he got that from me :)

Logan, you are getting so grown up for me. These 6 months are going to FLY by, I just know it.  You want to do everything yourself (like get in and out of his car seat, which sometimes frustrates mommy!) and I am loving that you such a little independent person, but it also makes me feel sad.  You are growing up before our eyes and I wish time would slow down so you will stay little forever. 

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