I have never followed the rules, a rebel, if you will....when I was younger of course. (THIS is why I would prefer to have all boys!) I might have been the reason my Dad went bald. Sorry Dad. I hung out with one big group of crazy girls in high school, and they are all still my crazy girlfriends!
Life has taught me to roll with it, even through bad decisions (been there, made lots of them).
I listen to pop/rap music
I like dark blue nail polish
I dye my hair if I get bored with the color
I have 3 tattoos...and I plan to get another one.
I cuss
sometimes often (working on this one since Logan is repeating everything
I like to go out with my girlfriends
I watch Family Guy and the RHONJ, and I might admit to watching Teen Mom 2 on occasion.
I like skinny jeans (the colored jeans are the cutest!)
I own a pair of leopard heels and rock them
I love mojitos or a glass---or 2 of moscato
I do (even though I miss Logan terribly) like to have a date night every once in a while and NOT talk about Logan...it is hard though.
When I became a mom I thought right away...these things have to change. I am a mom now. I need to be a different person. I guess I have reached that point in my life where I "grow up".
So what did that mean? It meant that I was going to love this little person more than life itself....period.
I should not change who I am or what I like because I have a child.
I am (and never will be) no June Cleaver, but I thought this was the perception of all moms and I had to follow suit.
Minus the mom jeans of course.
I have lots of friends that are SAHMs and God bless them, it is just not for me. Does that make me selfish? I would hope not but I know some would disagree.
Sometimes I feel like being a mom is a competition, comparing kids, judging other moms.
This is what I know:
I can't sew. Or do I ever want to.
I do not make home-made meals. My boys eat the food I make and it is pretty tasty even if it comes from a box.
I do still listen to pop/rap music. (but let me tell you, if I hear another Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber song, lord help me!) And if Gangster's Paradise comes on I will be rolling down the windows jamming!! ;) Yea I know how to wobble too.
I did not cloth diaper Logan. Because, who the hell would want to do that?? Ewww.
I did not breastfeed. [Insert huge GASP here] I did try. Logan was 3 weeks early and never wanted to latch. And it hurt like holy crap. And I really did not want to. I wanted him drinking from a bottle so I attempted to pump too. Nope, no milk. By the time my milk was in, I was over it and he had been on formula for a week. Forget it. (I have told this to other people and they judged me and it really hurt me)
I attempt to wear cute clothes. And I DO still shop in the juniors section and have never bought anything from the women's section. But every time I buy something in my head I think...am I trying to look too young? But I am a Mom and I am 28....Meh. I draw the line at wearing bows in my hair. Freaking ridiculous.
I do not feel guilty when I have a girl's night. I love my son with every inch of my heart, but I need some time with my friends too. Even though I am texting Bryan all night asking what Logan is doing and demanding that pictures be sent every 10 minutes.
We eat dinner in front of the tv. Yes, we have a very nice and expensive dining room table that I would like to keep that way and not have stuck on mac and cheese all over it.
I am a good mom. I would do anything for Logan. He is my #1 priority, from the moment I wake up, all day and when I go to sleep. My love for him is so much it is overwhelming sometimes. My heart does not feel full when I am away from him.
Logan did change me, he made me a mother. Forever. But that never means you should change yourself.
I mean unless you are a bad mom like doing crack or something, then YES you should change, crack is whack people.
Do other Moms feel like this?