So after I posted about our fabulous Christmas, I did not want to be a downer and post how sore I was in Laredo....this is why:
So Thursday, December 22nd started out like any other day. I was rushing getting Logan ready to go and head off to work. I had lots of things on my mind that day as I drove. We were heading to Laredo that night to spend Christmas with the Parks side of the family so we needed to pack when I got off work and try and hit the road by 7ish. Logan always falls asleep on the way to school and I looked up and saw him asleep in the mirror and I smiled and thought, hopefully he will be that good for us tonight on the road! We hit some traffic being that it was close to 8am. We were in the turning lane turning into Logan's school. All of the sudden I saw a maroon car heading straight at me and I could not do anything except brace myself and close my eyes as I felt the impact of the car hit me straight on. The airbags deployed and my car slid back about 30 feet. My first thought as I was sliding is Logan, I heard him screaming and I needed to get him out of the car. My door was jammed and I pushed it open with all my strength. I opened the door to get Logan out and he was not in his car seat. Where was he?! For a split second I checked the windows to see if he had gone through (I can barely type this without wincing at the thought). He was on the floorboard on his belly screaming his little head off. He had been knocked out of his carseat by the impact. He was buckled in and the carseat was still strapped (the police officer has no idea how he slipped out, it was a good carseat too, a Graco that had wonderful safety reviews...) I grabbed him, held him so tight and just cried in the middle of the street. Thank you GOD that my baby was not hurt. All of Logan's teachers came running out to help me and I handed Logan over as I tried to calm down and stop my hands from shaking. I called Bryan bawling and a Dad from the school called the police and the ambulance. The other driver said he fell asleep at the wheel. It was 8am, really?! Grrrr. At least he had insurance and they are covering everything! Logan and I rode in the ambulance to the hospital and Bryan was right behind us. By the time we got there I was a little more calm, but still very shaken up. My chest felt as if someone was sitting on it and I was having trouble taking a deep breath. All I cared about was my baby boy. They checked him over and monitored him for an hour and he was fine. No bumps or bruises at all. My Dad works about 40 minutes away and Bryan called him and he was there not long after that. When he came in his eyes were red. My Dad does not show emotion often, and this made me cry even more. I had a chest x-ray and everything was fine. I had a big bruise from the seat belt and I was very sore. My right shoulder still hurts. We left the hospital and needed to go to my insurance agent's office, buy Logan a new carseat, get a rental car and go get everything out of my car. We got everything taken care of and hit the road to Laredo that evening. It was a LONG drive being so sore but we made it and had a great time. This Christmas I reflected on my life and how things could have been different. I had a guardian angel watching over me that day. This was by far the scariest day of my life. I can think of all the ways it could have been worse, but it wasn't. We are here, that is all that matters. Cars can be replaced. Lives can't. It was somewhat ironic that I was listening to KSBJ (I do everyday) and right before I got hit, they were telling a story about how important things in life aren't things. Man how true is this?! Don't EVER take life for granted. Kiss your loved ones, tell them you love them, you never know what could happen.
Wanda the Honda squished! |
In his new "big boy" car seat! |
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