Shawna is a very special and dear friend in my life. We have been friends since about 5th grade. We kind of lost touch in high school. We hung out with different friends but always were friendly when we saw each other. Fast forward to 2005, my first semester at college. We "re-met" randomly and found out not only did we go to the same college, we lived in the same apartment complex! From then on it was like we had been best friends all this time. She was (and still is!) my crutch and supoport when I was going through some really hard times. She stuck by me. She was there for me when I had to make some of the hardest descions of my life. We had 2 great years at SHSU and those were the best times I ever had! After graduation I moved to Laredo. She was one of the only people that ever came and visited me there. It meant so much to me. While I was living there, she graduated and moved to Austin. I came and visited her as well and we never lost touch. I was thrilled to find out I was moving back closer to home in 2010 when I got a job offer at TAMU in College Station. After I moved here I found out SHE got a great job offer in the City of Bryan and I knew it was meant to me! We were in the same place yet again!!! She is always an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. She will never judge me and tell me exactly what she thinks, no holding back, and that is why she is one of my best friends and always will be! We haev shared so many memories together I know there are much more to come.
I will always remember:
SHSU Rec Sports
Hair dying
Soulmidget love
Our randomness
Christmas in the Park
Miss New Bootyith
Oh snap
Charlotte's web
Friends marathons
Throw it in the bag
America's Next Top Model marathons
Her AMAZING photography (my graduation, my engagements, bridals, wedding, Logan, pretty much all of the best parts of my whole LIFE!)
Going out in CS (when we lived in H-ville)
Neon Green
Copperhead Road
Through the laughter (of most which WE only get) and tears, I am so very proud that she is my friend. <3