Before becoming a mother, I didn't get why my mom would say "I can't believe you are [insert age here] at every birthday.
I get it. I have kids now.
How can you be so happy that they are growing up but so sad at the same time? Me and time need to have a talk. It needs to slow down, just a bit. Let me soak it all in. Let me hold them a little longer. Let them be little.
I was in Target the other day and saw all the school supplies and it hit me like a ton of bricks. My throat started to swell. That will be us next year. Logan goes to kinder NEXT YEAR.
It did not help that I was also in the baby section and was looking at all the cute onesies and realized that Mason is in 12 month clothes (all they had up to was 6-9 in the particular outfit I liked). He is also slowly loosing that baby smell.
Why does time go by so fast once you have kids?!
Conversation with Logan:
Me: Don't grow up. Don't ever leave me.
Logan: I have to. I have to go to work. But I won't leave you. I'm going to marry you and you, me, Daddy, and Buggie (Mason) can all live together forever. (I kind of wish this actually would happen).
Me: Sounds good to me.
Logan: Well I already told Mackenzie (little girl in his class) I would marry her, so I can marry both of you.
Me: Well I am already married to Daddy.
Logan: Awww man, well you can be married to both of us.
Me: OK buddy. I love you forever all the way to the moon.
Logan: Well I love you all the way to the rocket ship!
There are some days when I definitely get frustrated and lose my patience. But then there are the sweet moments I never want to let go of.