
Logan's Super Hero 4th birthday party!

Logan's 4th birthday party was this past weekend and it was great!

Logan has been into super heroes for a long time and picked out his birthday theme this year so we went all out. Logan decided he was going to be Batman, Mason was "little batman", Mommy was Wonder Woman and Daddy was Superman. Halloween costumes this year.....check.  Most of the kids came with their favorite super hero gear and it was awesome!

It was pretty low key.  Snacks, cupcakes and a bounce house.  The weather stayed overcast all day but did not rain.

I really enjoy (well, the end result) decorating and letting my creative side come out.  I had lots of fun with this party.  Months of making decorations, they are up for a few hours and then they get thrown in the trash! Oh well, they turned out better than I thought and everyone loved them. For snacks I made:
"Thor Hammers"-pretzel sticks with cube cheese
"Fruit KaPOWS"-Fruit kabobs of pineapple, strawberries and grapes
"Hulk Power Punch"-Lemonade with green food coloring

We were going to do a piñata but opted for just goody bags instead.  The new Avengers movie comes out soon so I found lots of super hero things! Sheets of stickers, fruit snacks and a candy bracelet and the bags were good to go!

We had masks for all the kids and their cups had different super hero names on them.  They thought it was fun and played like they were super heros the whole time.

Everyone had such a fun time and after everyone left Bryan said it looked like an explosion of fun happened in and outside of our house.  That was about right! Logan said it was the best party ever! That is all that mattered :)


Logan is 4

My first born turned 4 on 4-4! He is such a big kid now.

WHY does he look so BIG here?! 

We blew up some balloons and put them in his room and he got to open up his present.  The movie Big Hero 6.  He loves Baymax and was very excited!

Since the next day was Easter, we decided to have his Super Hero party (per his request on the theme!) a few weeks later.  Saturday was all about Logan and we let him pick all the meals that day.

Breakfast: Pancakes.  This boy would eat pancakes everyday is we let him.

Lunch:  Chi-Fil-A! That's right.  He pronounces it without the "ck" at the end of "chick" and his favorite are the "bumpy" nuggets.  I have no idea why he calls them bumpy nuggets.

Dinner:  Pizza.  Nothing better  cheaper than a $5 Hot N Ready!

I made him a Funfetti cake which he "helped" me make.  Needless to say, we did not eat great on Saturday, but Logan felt special.

Daddy took him to a car show that night, he had fun.  That little boy loves him some race cars.

Logan is the funniest kid.  This is by far my most favorite age.  He is so imaginative and loving.  But stubborn and knows how to push his boundaries as well!
He loves to watch movies.  He loves his little brother.  He loves to play with his trucks and reading books.  He loves to "help" me clean.  He does not want our help with anything, wants to do everything himself.  He is not a risk taker.  It takes him a while to warm up to strangers and new situations.

Food: He still loves all "kid food" Hot dogs, corn dogs, chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly and macaroni and cheese. He likes "square cheese", poptarts, eggs, bacon, golfish crackers, fruit cups.  He has also expanded his pallet to grilled chicken,sausage, beans (some), and still no green ANYTHING. His all time favorite breakfast is pancakes.  He requests it every morning.  And I think the kid would eat bacon at every meal.  We are going to try really hard this year to get him to eat more veggies or at least try them.  We will see how that goes.  His favorite places to eat are: Chick-fil-A, Whataburger and McDonald's (which he calls "Old Macdonalds).  He will always say he wants a happy meal, not a sad meal from that place.

We headed to the doctor for his 4 year check up.  He has NEVER been a fan of the doctor.  He was in and out of there so much when he was little.  At his 3 year check up, he was better, but still leery.  He got no "owies" at that appointment so that was great.  However, not the case when they turn 4.  We did not tell him he was getting shots either.  He would have had a full blown meltdown.  He weighed 38 pounds and is 3 ft, 6 inches tall.  He is going to be a tall boy! They checked his hearing and vision which was perfect, he thought it was fun to put the headphones on.  He did very well talking to the doctor.  Then she left and the nurse came in and he knew what was happening.  He cried of course, but all was well in the world when the nurse came in and gave him a sucker and a superman sticker.  Then afterwards we let him pick where we would go eat lunch.  He picked "water-burger" and got his favorite, a bacon cheeseburger!

I really cannot believe he is 4.  One more year at daycare, then he goes to kinder! Which we have to figure out soon.  I have some schools in mind that I want him to go to and it is not the one we are zoned to.  So we might be putting our house up for sale like the end of this year.  Fun.  But that is another blog post some other time.

Logan, buddy, you are such a sweet and caring, yet stubborn and silly boy! We love you so much!
Super-hero party is on for this weekend! Can't wait to hang out and celebrate with friends and family. We will be taking him to see a Monster Truck jam in Austin next weekend, so that will be fun!

Mason is 4 months!

Ok seriously time needs to slow down!

Our roly poly man is already 4 months old! We went to the doctor with the 2 kids in tow, Logan for his 4 year and Mason for his 4 month check up and shots.  Mason weighs in at 14 pounds, 9 ounces and is a strong healthy boy! He does have a flat spot on one side of his head, just from laying in the same spot and not liking tummy time.  The doctor assured us it would round out.  We try to move his head while he is asleep to the other side, but nope, he will move it back.  Working on more tummy time and putting him in the jump up will help as well. He took his shots like a champ! Cried for just a bit and then was over it and back to smiling!

Eating: 5 ounces of breast milk every 3-4 hours. Sometimes he will take 6 or 7 ounces on occasion. My goal was to pump for 4 months! YAY! Now on to my next goal of 6 months, I can do it! We gave him rice cereal the other day and he was pretty much over it and was like give me my bottle already! So I am going to send some to school and see if he will take it there.  And the rolls.  They go on for days! I love all his chubbiness!

Sleeping: Like a champ! He HAS to be swaddled though.  Our routine is bath, bottle, bed.  Sometimes this means he is swaddled in the crib at 7:30pm.  He does still wake up around 4:30am, (he wriggles out of his swaddle) and I put him in the bed with us.  Sometimes he goes right back to sleep.  Other times, he is hungry.

Likes:  He likes to be held still and rocked.  I love it, but sometime we have to put him down and he hates it.  We have had a few "cry it out" nights and boy does that hurt my heart! He eventually calms down, but that boy has some lungs on him! He likes mirrors, as all babies do.  He will smile so big if he is looking at a mirror.  He loves big brother.  Logan is usually the one that can get him smiling big. He is smiling ALL the time! He has been dubbed by Bryan as our "smiley guy" We would hardly get any smiles out of Logan at that age. He will coo and make noises and blow bubbles and we have heard a few giggles but no laughing out loud just yet.  He enjoys his bath and kicks and splashes.  He likes the swing when he is sleepy.  He likes to pull his blankie up right by his face.  He also has a little bear he has grown pretty found of when he is sleepy.

Dislikes:  Being put down on his back.  He always wants to be sitting up like a big boy.  He still has a love hate relationship with his pacifier.  It will sooth him, but if he looses grip....his world has ended and he lets us know about it! He does not seem to enjoy the bumbo at home, but they tell me at school, he likes it.

Mason, Buggie boy, you have completed our little family! We love you more every day, keep growing!