
Mason is 3 months!

This happy chubby baby is 3 months old!

SMILES! He has been giving us the biggest smiles and it melts my heart! "Taking" more and more, little coos and noises here and there.  I am waiting for him to laugh, it is coming soon, I can tell! Holding his head up pretty good, but it is hard work.   We put him in the bumbo chair to see, but he did not last very long.

He loves when we change his diaper because we have a mirror over the changing table.  He loves laying there and smiles big.  Eating! He is still eating every 3-4 hours, 5oz. I am still exclusively pumping (I honestly do not know how I have made it this far!) so I have to keep up with his demanding eating habits. But so far, we have not supplemented any formula.   He is now sleeping through the night.  And by that I mean we can feed him at 11pm and he will sleep until 5:30am.  The other morning he woke up VERY hungry and gulped down 7 oz! My big boy! He loves riding in the car. He has a little mirror and he will just look at it and make funny faces and stick out his tongue.  Logan laughs all the time at his "silly face" brother!

Not a fan of tummy time.  We try, and he can stand it for a while, then gets mad.  Sleep.  I mean he likes to sleep, but when we put him down at night, he will fight it. We have swaddled him a few nights and that seems to work. He will wake up around 3am and be fussy, so he snuggles with Mommy.  He is also in a love-hate relationship with the paci.  It seems to soothe him, unless it falls out, then his world has ended! He gets so worked up about it that it is very hard to put back in his mouth.  So maybe Mommy and Daddy have a love-hate relationship with the paci!

We put away all the 3 month clothes and have moved up to 6 month ones.  He seems to be growing very fast! We think he maybe weighs about 14 pounds. He is still in a size 2 diaper.  His hair has all fallen out, except for the back part (which just looks like old man hair!) and it seems to be coming back in, but very light, peach-fuzz.  So we have another little "baldy" and that is ok with us! He looks more and more like Logan everyday, just more round and rolly. He got a nasty cough this month from big brother of course and all the nasty daycare germs I am sure.  Other than him coughing, he is pretty happy!

He is getting so big so quick, we love you Buggie!