
35 weeks

Yesterday was my 35 week appointment went great.  Mason was right on track with a HR of 131.  My doctor said he would just check me at the next appointment unless I wanted him to do it that day.  I said I did (I am pretty sure last appointment he told me he was going to check me at this appointment, so why not?) and he told me not to be upset if I was not progressed at all since I was only 35 weeks.  He proceeded to check me and said, "Hmmm that is interesting." I was like, ummmm what?!
I was 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced.  He told me to "hold him in" if I could for 2 more weeks but more than likely I would be having this baby in 2 weeks or less!
It was kind of the same situation when Logan was born, (he was ready to go at 37 weeks) I just progress very quickly. Probably because I have a teeny tiny uterus or so I was told.  Which I guess is ok as long I can get him to December 8th, I will be full term by then.  So hold on Mason, make it to the week of December 8th, then you can come out whenever you want!

Maternity Clothes: Umm yes.  Down to only 3 pair of pants that fit me and shirts are starting to get short on me! 

Gender: BOY. Mason Bruce :) 

Movement:  OH. MY. GOSH.  Lots of movement all at once.  Like he will move constantly for about an hour then not much after that.  But when he is moving, it is like a battle going on in my stomach! Much more movement and not kicks.  We were in church on Sunday and I swear I was going into labor he was moving so much.  

Sleep: I actually have been sleeping better.  I mean up 3 times a night to pee is not bad right?! Still sleeping on my left side.  I do have to do some stretching in the morning when I wake up and my left hip hurts really bad from sleeping on it all night.   

What I miss: Being able to bend over, walk without getting winded or that I have to pee ALL. THE. TIME.  It is more of just the FEELING that I have to pee, which sometimes I feel is worse.  Also being able to pick up Logan and get on the floor and play with him more.

What I am loving: That next week is December :) that means it is SO CLOSE!

Cravings: Not much.  I get full so quick now I can't really eat that much anymore.  Although the other day I drank a Dr. Pepper, which I never do! 

Best Moments This Week:
1. Hearing that I was progressing!
2. We finally got the nursery complete!
3. Washed all the newborn and 0-3 month baby clothes!
4. Bags are packed!
5. Registered at the hospital!

Here are some pics from Mason's nursery! It is a pretty small room, but we worked with what we had and I love it!

 Bryan and I had to compromise on this one.  He loved the oar idea (thanks Pinterest!) but I just wanted to get wood letters.  He thought it would be cool if we painted the nautical alphabet (FYI...yes there is one, who knew?) on the wood and then painted his name on top.  I don't LOVE how it turned out, but we compromised so that is a good thing, right?  You can see his name better when you are closer.  We tried to find wood letters that would fit on the squares, but none were the right size to wear you could still see the nautical flag painted, so I had to paint the letters.



Maternity photo shoot

About a month ago we took our maternity pictures.  I was super excited to have Logan AND Bryan in these this time. (ha, technically Logan WAS in the pics last time...)   The day we took pictures last time, Bryan had vertigo.  No fun.  Needless to say, he was in NONE of my pictures.  Logan is better with Miss Shawna and actually listening, but he would still get distracted easily (look mommy....a stick!).  We took these at Research Park and it was such a beautiful day.  Thanks to my bestie who is always up for taking our family photos! Next time I see her, it will be when she is taking pictures of our sweet Mason.  I cannot believe December is almost here.....yikes!


Ships Ahoy, it's a boy!

This past weekend I had my baby shower for our sweet Mason!
We are doing (in the process) his nursery in a nautical theme, so we went with that for the baby shower. My sister did an awesome job with the decorations! It was a great afternoon spent with family and friends and we got lots of great things!

We unpacked it all at home and came to the very real realization that we will have a baby NEXT month! It is getting real (and really terrifying) that we will have 2 kids.  I have a little anxiety about the birth, how are we going to handle/pay for 2 kids, and everything else.  I have to remember that God knows just what he is doing and everything will be alright.  Crazy....probably, but alright in the end.

Oh and this is what Daddy and Logan were doing while I was at the baby shower..... :)


Halloween 2014

Halloween was so much fun this year!
Logan actually was excited about trick or treating and all the fun festivities happening this time of year.  I think last year he was still too little, but this year, he really got it!
Bryan and I are like big kids.  We like to dress up on Halloween and probably always will.  We like to pick a family theme and just go with it.  I already have ideas next year for our family of 4.  :)
We took Logan to the Halloween store to pick out his own costume but was a little overwhelmed and we ended up not buying anything.  AND I did not want to pay $40 for a costume.  We decided on him being a SWAT officer and us being the bank robbers and Mason could be the money bag!
We went to Walmart and got him a $20 SWAT kit and was super excited about his "pow pow".  I think we spent about $15 dollars on some black hats, masks and fake money and our costumes were set.  I had the burlap for the bag and just painted a money sign on it and pinned some fake money to it.

We always trick or treat at our friends house and this year 2 more kiddos were in the mix! Their twin boys were born last year and they were Mickey and Donald.  So cute.  Makenna was Elsa (of course) and her and Logan are just too cute together.  It will be even more fun next year when there will be 5 kiddos!

It got pretty chilly that night and we trick or treated for about 30 minutes.  Logan was in awe of a Dad that dressed up like Captain America and decided he would follow him around for a while.  I wish we would have gotten a picture because Logan was so excited! There was a man also dressed as Batman but he was not as excited surprisingly. (this boy LOVES super heroes......ummm can we say 4th birthday party theme?!)

We had a great time and by the time it was all over I was pretty exhausted from walking around.  The next morning we found out that Logan had been "sneaking" candy at Makenna's house because we were on our way to Brenham the next day and he threw up in the car.  That was a first.  He now tells me eating too much candy will make his tummy sick.  :) Oh kids.
We can't wait for next year as a family of 4!