
The count down is on!

The count down is on! Less than 10 weeks and our baby boy will be here! We are so excited! And really need to get a jump start on things.....

At 24 weeks, my fluids were a little high so my doctor said he would check again at 29 weeks.
That means more ultrasounds and anytime I get to see my sweet boy is a great day :) And my doctor really loves doing ultrasounds so I think I have 9 so far (most people only get 2!)

At my 29 week appointment my fluids were measuring 19.2 which normally the cut off is 18 cm.  He said not to worry about it.  Baby was perfectly fine and heart beat was 130. Of course I googled high fluids and then scared myself so....just going to trust my doctor and know everything is okay.   He also measured his head and legs and Mason was measuring about 2 full weeks ahead and already weighed 4 pounds! My due date is still the same (Dec 30) but honestly I thing he will be born the second week of December but we will see.

30 weeks with Logan

30 weeks with Mason-yes a little bigger with this one! 

31 week appointment got to see him again! The doctor had just went to deliver a baby so we were waiting like an hour.  I think he felt bad so he told us we would take a peek at baby! When they get that big in there, they are kind of hard to tell what is what.  But my fluids were still the same at 19.2 cm and the doctor was positive and said it is better to have high fluids than low fluids, so I guess I am okay with that! Heartbeat was 132 and he was still measuring 2 weeks ahead and weighing in at 4 pounds, 5 oz.   Keep growing Mason!
My doctor spent quite a bit of time looking at him (my husband and the doctor were talking cars, so I think that is why!) but we got to see a close up of his little face and could see he was sucking on his little lips.  The doctor tried to get a 3D close up of his face but that stubborn little boy kept moving.  I will see my doctor again at 33 weeks, then 35 weeks, then I will be going on a weekly basis.  The end is going by really fast, ready or not, he is coming!

On another note, we had our maternity shoot this past weekend and it was great! Cannot wait to see those pictures :) Logan was a little stinker but better than last time (no tears or melt downs!) but she said she got some good ones.

Looking forward to my baby shower this weekend and spending time with my family and friends!


A FUN weekend and HELLO third trimester!

We had a very busy FUN weekend this past weekend!
Every year in my hometown there is a Demolition Derby and we missed it last year and we did NOT want to miss it this year especially since Logan is so into cars (hmmm Daddy....wonder why?!)
We met my parents and Hunter there and had so much fun! Logan was in awe the whole time!

The next day was the Buddy Walk to help support the National Down Syndrome Society of the Brazos Valley. Mikey is the sweetest little boy and he was born to the sweetest mommy, my best friend, Shannon! We were happy to go and show our support! There was lots of things for kiddos to do and Logan had a blast!

Then it was home for a nap and  then later off to Andrew's 2nd birthday party! It was a circus train theme and totally adorable.  That was the second time Logan got to ride the same train since the same one was at the Buddy Walk! He thought that was cool!

We had a long but fun weekend.  It is rare that we get to do so much in one weekend so Logan has been talking about it :) and when we say our prayers at night he makes sure and thanks God for the Demo Derby and the choo choo train!

Also, huge milestone for me and Baby Mason! I made it to my third trimester this week!

28 weeks! 

I really thought it would never get here.  It is becoming more real that we will be welcoming a new baby within about 2ish months! WHOA.  Guess we need to jump start the nursery?  Meh.  He will be in our room for 6 months anyways :)
I am feeling ok so far, however this week a nasty stomach bug hit me and I am recovering from that. And then my poor husband got it. We are crossing our fingers Logan does not catch it.  Looking forward to doing our maternity photo shoot next weekend!