I am not the best at monthly updates, but I got an email from Pampers yesterday and in the subject line read:
Your toddler: 22 months
Holy cow. I mean, how is my baby 2 months away from being 2? Does this mean every year is going to fly by this fast?? Geez.
What he is up to:
Anything and everything. He loves to play, eat, go outside, he is watching more "toons" but not much to capture his attention. He copies us ALL the time (spoiler alert! I am already planning his "Monkey See Monkey Do theme birthday party!) I swear he is doing something different everyday. I whipped my camera out the other day and he stood there and said CHEESE with huge grin on his face. Really kid, where did you learn that? He also says please (P-W-EEEEE-SE) before he can get anything which is too cute for words. He loves to blow bubbles. He is a dancing machine. He loves to move his little shoulders and bounce up and down. Anytime music comes on, he is moving! He is OBSESSED with raisins. Like he eats them everyday. And if we put them in our lunch bag in the morning, he gets pissed and he wants them. He is Mr. Independent. We took away the highchair this month and he is eating at the table in a booster chair. He does pretty good. He also upgraded from a sippy cup (only at dinner) to a regular cup, he is pretty good but has had a few spills. We are only putting water in it for now until he gets better at it. After dinner and bath we usually give him a snack: yogurt, applesauce or a fruit cup. He used to sit patiently and wait as I scooped it and put in his open mouth like a little birdy. Now, he says MINE and takes it and wants to do it himself, which I am all for but half the time he is wearing more of it than actually gets in his mouth. He will also push me away if I am trying to help him. He also loves to blow kisses :) When I put him to bed everynight after we say our prayers after I say Amen, he loudly proclaims, AMEN! Then he has to have all 4 stuffed animals in his arms so you can barely see his little face. He loves to be tickled on his legs, under his chin and under his arms, his belly laughs are the best. He loves his puzzles and is quite a pro at putting them together! He loves his sleep, we put him down at 8:30pm and he does not wake up until 7am---and IF he sleeps past 7am and I have to go wake him up....he is a GRUMP. Like I said, he loves his sleep----he might get that from mama too. When he wants more of something he says Ahh-moo. (not sure?) It is really funny.
Saying: MINE (this is one that is cute, but also annoying...no kid everything is NOT yours deal with it)
dog, car, bus, please, cheese, moo, roar, outside, paw paw, mama, dada, nana (banana), hot (although when he says this he whispers it and says hot, hot, hot) bubbles, (sounds more like bubbas), amen, night night, potty, up, glasses, amen, yay, book, Elmo, star and probably more by the time I post this! He is talking up a storm but has not yet put two words together. He has only said love you one or two times and then has never said it again. I am sure when he turns 2 he will be saying LOTS more words.
He knows where his body parts are: bellybutton, nose, eyes, ears, hair, elbow (which is bo-bo), knee, toes, and armpit.
He also knows where his "weenie" is but we refrain from pointing that one out, lol, but it is good for him to know. Funny story on that one: I was cutting him up a hotdog for him to eat the other day and I sat him at the table and I said, eat your weenie, he looked at me and then looked down and pointed to his "weenie" and had the MOST confused look on his face. Duh, Mom. Hotdog, buddy, eat your hotdog. :)
He is definetly entered the terrible twos already. He has tantrums like no other if he does not get his way. We just take a breath and wait for it to pass. He will throw himself on the floor and kick and scream. It hurts me so much, but I am hoping those will get better as he can learn communication better. What can I say, he is a strong willed kid and gets it from me.
Potty training: Meh. We will start working on it when he is 2. They don't start it at daycare until then, so we aren't either. He has a potty and knows what it is and even a little potty book that flushes, but does not seem interested in it so we aren't pushing it. However, I refuse to buy size 5 diapers. Nope. He will be getting pull ups next!
He amazes us everyday. We were sitting at the table last night and I was just watching him. He was "singing" with hand motions (not sure what the song was, but he did!) and I was in awe of him.
How smart he is. How cute he is. How perfect he is. How 2 years is almost upon us.