My baby is 18 months old......that is a year and a half! So in 6 months he will be 2. Whhhhaaaaattt? I will probably say this on every "Logan" post, he is getting too big too fast!
We went to the doctor last Friday and he is doing great!
Height: 34 inches (91%, tall boy!)
Weight: 26 pounds (still on the lean side in the 52%)
And he had a meltdown as soon as we walked in of course. But no more shots until he is 4! (Ummm I don't want to think about my baby being 4.)
Talking: Ma-ma, Da-da, outside, dog, uh-oh, look, Matt (funny story about that...) He is not saying much, but he knows what we are asking. We will say Logan where is your (body, toes, nose...) and he will point to it and smile! Then he loves to also point out mommy and daddy's body parts too. He will just come by and lift up our shirts to find our belly buttons. Its ok at home, but sometimes he wants to do this in public. Not so much ok then. We ask him to go get his cup and he will search all around, or we say things like go take this to daddy and he will. So he is a boy of few words, but understands what we are saying and that is more important to me, he will talk when he wants to. Remember he didn't walk until he was 15 months....he is just a late bloomer!
He is a little silly boy that will "dance" on cue. He also will spin and spin until he falls and he thinks that is hilarious. (He does not dance until the last part of the video...)
Eating-this boy will have second helpings one night and another night eat a cracker. Not kidding. But for the most part anything we put in front of him he will eat. He loves, beans, cheese, yogurt, pudding, chicken, beef. We made chili last night and he was an oinker! We are still trying for him to eat more veggies but not going to force him. He likes green beans and will eat some peas. I will take what I can get.
This was his attempt at pudding. He ate most of it, then just wanted to play with it on his tray. Daddy had fun cleaning it up. |
Doing: He loves to go outside and play. Little does he know that it will be getting cold soon (well maybe) and those days are getting shorter and shorter. I am going to have to come up with some creative inside play for those winter months. But heck, we are in Texas. Winter here is from December-February!
For his birthday we are really looking into buying a nice swing set for him. Bryan also wants to build him a treehouse so we will see.
He loves animals. We take him for a ride in the wagon and anytime he sees doggies or cats, he giggles and points. I would really love to take him to my uncle's farm that has goats, pigs, cows and horses. He would love that.
Dancing and spinning.
Chasing the dog around.
Squealing. Like loud. He thinks it is so funny. He will just run around the house squealing as loud as he can. Whatever keeps him happy right?
Being silly.
Giving hugs and kisses and oooohhhhh do I soak those in.
Pushing things (chairs, toys, his stroller...)
He thinks every door leads to outside. He will be in his room and close his door and pull on the doorknob and say outside, it is pretty funny.
Makes vroom vroom noises when he playing with a car or truck.
Climbing. This scares me. I am crossing my fingers and toes that he will not learn how to crawl out of his crib....not ready for that yet.
He likes "reading" his books by himself. At night, I try to hold them and read them to him and he wants to do it. He likes turning the pages and then putting the book back on the shelf.
He brushes his own teeth now also (well more like biting the toothbrush, we have to help him).
He is doing so many things on his own, but also clings on to me at times and when I am busy and cannot pick him up....oh he throws a tantrum...yep he does at 18 months. Fun times ahead ;)
Clothes-He for the most part is in 18 and 24 month shirts, 24 month pants and 24 month/2T (I am not sure the difference, isn't 24 months 2T??) jammies. He skipped over 18 month pants. They fit him in the belly but wayyy too short. So we got the pants that can be adjusted since he is skinny. We went to Target and bought him some 2T jammies for the first time the other night. Looking more and more like a little boy.
The funny story about him saying Matt. He has a gloworm and the other night I was putting him to bed and reached for it and clearly said Matt and pointed to it. Matt, Matt, Matt! He kept saying over and over. I was really racking my brain trying to think of why he was calling this thing Matt. All we can come up with is that Bryan's cousin's name is Matt and we were over at their house (months ago!) and their son has a gloworm just like his. But he calls that thing Matt now and we just crack up. We say where is Matt and he will go get it, it is too funny.
Yes, I am already planning Logan's 2nd birthday party and I already have the theme and the invitation in my mind. My husband thinks I am crazy (maybe I am) but hello 6 months is going to go by fast! It is a really cute monkey see monkey do theme. Everything yellow and brown and a build your own banana split bar, how fun right? We are probably going to rent a bouncy house for the kiddos. I am excited to start planning it.
Logan, my sweetness, you are my world, my sunshine, my everything and I love you more and more everyday. It is so fun watching you grow and learn new things every single day. Always something new or funny and keep us on our toes but we love it!