
Family Photos

On Good Friday we headed out to Lake Bryan and my friend Shawna took some really cute family pictures! Enjoy!



Logan's racecar 1st birthday party!

Logan's party was this past Saturday and he had a blast! It was ALOT of work fun for us to put together, but I am glad it is over! His theme was racecars so we had "Nascar" themed food.  Hotdogs, popcorn and soft baked pretzels.  I did most of the banners and decorations myself, let my creative side out and it turned out really cute.  Of course he won't remember it, but we will! We had a kiddie pool with beach balls and other pool toys that the kids had fun in.  We tried to put Logan in the pool but he didn't want to, so we will get it back out in the summer, hopefully he will like it then! All in all it was a great day with family and friends and Logan got tons of nice gifts! At the end of the day my husband and I sat on the couch exhausted and I looked at him and said, ok what is the plan for next year? He looked like he wanted to choke me.  I was kidding.....but not really.  This year flew by so fast I have a feeling the rest will too!

Made this with black butcher paper and checkered flag duct tape! The cones I borrowed from my work! My dog looks evil in the picture, ha I just noticed!

My big boy

Aunty Stephy

My friend Kristen and her daughter Brynne.  Logan and Brynne are a week apart, look how big Logan looks!

Got lots of gifts!

Can you tell that this little boy LOVES him some cake??!!

Aunty Heather and Aunty Mere!

Logan and Mikey best buds

My best friends, Mark and Christian and they have baby Jackson on the way, due in June!

I made us shirts and forgot to take a picture with Logan's before he destroyed his cake and the shirt was ruined. 

My parents and Great MeMaw

We had fun, but glad its over!


Logan is ONE!

It is official I have a one year old! I cannot believe he is a year already, this year has been the most amazing year and also the fastest! We watched Logan grow and learn new things every month.  He is not a baby anymore, he is our big boy.  Things he is doing:

Standing up (with support) from the coffee table, couch, anything he can pull up on! And he will walk around but if he lets go, he will plop to the floor and try again! He has not stood up on his own yet or taken steps yet, but since he did not crawl until 10 months, he might have a month or so to go, which I am fine with.  ;)

Eating---anything and everything.  There is not a food we put in front of him he will not eat.  Even if it is something he does not like, he will not spit it out, just make a face and keep eating.  He likes cheese, yogurt, chicken, beef, corn, potatoes, fruit (most of it), beans, bread, the list goes on.  I am happy he is a good eater, I hope it stays that way. 

Sleep--this boy STILL sleeps in his swing for naps! Yes I know he is getting too big, but hey the weight limit is 25 pounds and he is about 22 so its ok right?! He takes 1-2 naps a day and sleeps through the night.  He has his bath around 8pm, then story time and he is in bed by 8:30pm.  Sometimes he is so tuckered out from playing at school he will fall asleep as soon as I put him down.  Other nights the little stinker will stand up in his crib or play with his bear until he falls asleep.  For the most part, he is a great sleeper and usually I will have to go wake him up around 6:45am to get ready. 

He wears mostly 12 month clothes but is getting into 18 month ones, he also still wears a size 3 diaper.  Still does not like to wear shoes and will still ball his little feet up when we put shoes on him and will rip off his Velcro sandals.  He is like his mama, I am not a big fan of shoes either. 

Talking well more like babbling.  He can say da-da and that is his favorite word.  He also makes other noises like guh and yay but really just talking his own little language.  Anytime he sees our dog, he squeals with delight.  I am determined for him to say ma-ma, oh well one day.  He can wave bye-bye, clap his hands, working on doing high five and gives kisses (when he wants to). 

He is really getting his own little personality.  He is so fun and lovable, then he can be a little handful and scream when he does not get his way.  We are going to have our work cut out for us with this kid. 

He is amazing.  I look at him everyday and thank God that he chose us to be his parents (hope we are doing a good job, because sometimes we have no idea what we are doing!) He has changed me in so many ways.  The best part of my life is him.  My heart is consumed with love for him.  I never knew being a Mom would give me these feelings.  I loved him from the moment I saw that little bean on the ultrasound, and it never stops.  Our days sometimes can be hectic and crazy but I love it, would not trade it for anything in the world.  He is the best thing I have ever done, my most proud accomplishment. 

Happy 1st Birthday Logan, our sweet boy, Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back, always and forever! We can't wait to see what the next years bring!!!

Here are his monthly photos: